Lichnos Beach Hotel & Suites , Parga
Iz 557 €
Parga, Grčka

Lichnos Beach Hotel & Suites , Parga

Stvoreno: utorak, 18. veljače 2025. - Odlazak: utorak, 17. lipnja 2025.
Ref ID: 21052952
cijena po osobi Iz
557 €
Na temelju 2 odrasli
Stvoreno: utorak, 18. veljače 2025. - Odlazak: utorak, 17. lipnja 2025.

O gradu

Parga je grad i općina smještena u sjeverozapadnom dijelu regionalne jedinice Preveza u Epiru, sjeverozapadna Grčka. Parga se nalazi na jonskoj obali između gradova Preveza i Igoumenitsa. To je turistički grad poznat po svojoj slikovitoj ljepoti. GLAVNE TURISTIČKE ATRAKCIJE - Venecijanski dvorac. Velikim dijelom je to ruševni dvorac, pa stoga postoje mnogi strmi padovi u more bez ikakvih ograda ili barijera, stoga budite oprezni dok se šetate okolo. - Dvorac Ali Paše. S vrha možete vidjeti druga sela u blizini Parge, Krf za vedrog dana, i tvrđavu Parge koju je Ali Paša pokušao pogoditi svojim topovima.
Više informacija

Uključene usluge

17 lip
5 Noćima
Lichnos Beach Hotel & Suites
Parga, Greece - do 3,1 km od centraPOLUPANSION Lichnos Beach Hotel & Suites, Parga 48060, Greece, Parga, Greece 48060 Double Superior Ground Floor
The impressive verdant hills, breath-taking rock cliffs and crystal clear waters of the Ionian Sea that welcome visitors of Lichnos Beach Hotel in Parga, certainly make holidays in this 5 star luxury beach resort hotel in Parga, Greece, a truly unforgettable experience, even from the very first moments. This Beach resort promises- and delivers- much more than luxury; the blue horizon, the calmness of the scenery and the spectacular unobstructed sea view make this resort in Parga a unique destination for those aiming to escape the routine and pace of everyday life in the big cities.Nested in the sandy Lichnos Bay in the western coasts of Greek mainland, the resort features comfortable bungalows and lavish rooms in Parga, built among 25,000 square meters of land and surrounded by lovely fragrant gardens comprised of local herbs and colourful flowers, olive trees and citrus trees, highlighting the authentic Mediterranean character of this accommodation in Parga. Lichnos Beach luxury resort hotel in Parga combines all extraordinary elements of the Greek summer: these Parga suites and rooms positioned by the golden sandy beach, feature natural light and splendid sea view, and a tranquil and rejuvenating environment.
cijena po osobi Iz
557 €
Na temelju 2 odrasli
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